St. Paul’s 2024 Stewardship Campaign


And taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven, and blessed and broke them, and gave them to the disciples to set before the crowd. And all ate and were filled. What was left over was gathered up, twelve baskets of broken pieces. Luke 9:16-17, NRSV

Each household has had a different financial experience of the pandemic, and this year's turbulent market and inflation have been rough on all of us. Even so, the ways you made and continued to make your financial gifts to sustain our ministry are inspiring.

Our campaign theme is More Than Enough, and it comes from the end of Luke's version of the feeding of the five-thousand. Responding to Jesus' call, the gathered crowd turns their pockets inside out, shakes out their blankets, rummages through their parcels to find enough to take care of the needs of the community. And what do they realize? That by the miracle of faith and the action of Love, there was more than enough, an abundance of leftovers!

Our stewardship campaign is like that ancient story: each of us contributing what we can provides enough - enough to fund our operations and an abundance more to take care of our neighbors and plan for the future. Every gift is a miracle, a chance to change the world. And every gift is Love, the kind of love that protects, trusts, hopes, and perseveres, as St. Paul wrote to the Corinthians. 

Thank you. Thank you for all that you do for the Church and for the world. Today we are asking you to consider what you will pledge to our community in the coming year to sustain our ministry and to serve our neighbors. Every gift of wealth, works, and wisdom goes toward our ministry and mission, and yours is essential to us. We ask that you pray with us as we launch our annual gathering of gifts and gratitude, and as you consider your financial support off St. Paul's in 2023.

Why I Pledge — St. Paul’s Vestry Members Speak on Why They Pledge.


Will Grua- Why I Pledge

Herman Beck- Why I Pledge


Melissa Wank- Why I Pledge

Dave and I found our spiritual home at St. Paul's over eight years ago when we moved to Utah with our two boys. You may think pledging is only monetary support, but it includes time, talent, and treasure. There are many different ways to support our church. Giving my time and talent as Treasurer of the church, I see firsthand the ministries and operations our financial pledge supports. You will notice Dave at the 11 a.m. service working the camera for the live stream. There are so many ways to get involved, including the choir, children's program, food pantry, committees, etc. And the vestry welcomes ideas for new programs, fundraisers, events, etc.We also support the church financially. We give what we can and it is a decision Dave and I make together each year. Everyone is in a different situation financially and it changes from year to year. This is how and why our family pledges to St. Paul's. If you enjoy the services, the music, and the ministries and want them to continue, please consider a pledge for 2023 and remember that a pledge includes time, talent, and treasure.

Lori Morris- Why I Pledge

I don't believe that one’s faith depends on church attendance. I don’t believe that church defines my relationship with God or settles my hopes for our world. But for me, coming to church and listening to the teachings of Jesus helps me define my path and how I ought to be in the world. Church is there for me, but I know it takes money for the doors to stay open. Each year that I have been a member of St. Paul’s, I have sent in my pledge. I do it without thinking why. As I reflect now, the answer is clearly the message that dwells in my soul. So I pledge.


Kristy Muday - Why I Pledge

My family and I are part of the St. Paul’s community. To me, this is a community of healing and love. It is important to us that we support this community, the worship, the programs of spiritual formation, and the fun activities. Yes, I give my time and talent, but I also give my treasure.

I pledge because I want to spread more healing and love in the world!


Linda Roth - Why I Pledge

The pandemic was a wake-up call for me. The lockdown made me realize how much I missed the peace and comfort of being in the wonderful space I have known for more than 60 years. Every time I sit in the sanctuary, I can feel the spirit of all those who have sat there with me in the past, especially my dear mother. I also realize how much I rely upon my St. Paul’s family. I am so grateful to those who maintained their pledges during the time we could not be in the building in order to preserve it for our return. I consider my monetary pledge to be practical since it helps to maintain the building and everything in it, including the programs and the people it serves in both the parish and community. It is also spiritual because it allows us to come together in our beautiful and loving space to be there for each other. It is worth so much to me to keep St. Paul’s a going concern that I continue to make this commitment each year.


Peggy McCray- Why I Pledge

Good morning. For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Peggy McCray. My husband, John, and I have been attending St. Paul’s for almost 8 years, since we moved to Utah from Texas.  In fact, we met at a little Episcopal church in San Antonio, 34 years ago. As I was thinking about why I pledge, many reasons came to mind, but it really comes down to community. I love ya’ll and I love this place. And while some of you got through the last 2 to 3 years by not coming inside, I think you’d all agree that we want this place and all it provides to survive and more—to thrive and provide support not just for us, here, but for the wider community. Back in the 70’s, when my siblings and I were teenagers, my dad told us, “if there’s ever an emergency and we can’t find each other, go to the New Braunfel’s airport and we’ll meet there.” (It was about 45 miles away.) At the time, I rolled my eyes and answered “sure, Dad, sure.” Over the years, I would giggle at the thought, but it was somehow comforting to know that if all Hell broke loose, there was a place I could go and be found by people who love me. That’s what this place is to me. And that’s why I pledge financial support as well as time and talent. And why I ask for your support as well. With all of us chipping in whatever we can, the ministry of St. Paul’s will thrive.


Marshall Wright- Why I Pledge

I pledge because it is the RIGHT THING to do. It makes a clear statement of my priority to serve the church community to which I belong. Moreover, my pledge helps to clarify the “resources” that the church has to perform its work and care for the church facility. It has been said, “look at how one spends their funds, and you’ll know their priorities”.  When I make the “pledge commitment” I am able to include that commitment into my “budget” and treat it as the priority that reflects my values.


Philip Baese - why I Pledge

There are a few organizations in my life that are simply essential.  Beyond being an ‘organization’ however, a church, like Saint Paul’s, provides an anchor spiritually.  Unlike a grocery store or any other regularly frequented places that are necessities, however, it asks nothing in return.  Only my engagement, on my terms.  In return, the fellowship of parishioners, the message of the gospel, and the meaning of a community are all given free of any other obligation.  The things that add to that engagement include so many intangibles.  Music, a sanctuary, a rector and support staff, a safe place to reflect, and an environment to bring family are all parts in the make-up of this community and are worthy of my support.  Not everyone can chip in.  It’s ok.  For those fortunate enough to be able to pledge, it allows the church to sustain, plan, and grow.  It also asks me to dig deep – yes into my pocket book – but more importantly, into my priorities and values. It requires me to engage in the question – ‘What is my part in this place?’  The answer, for me, includes a regular, predictable financial commitment.  I pledge because finances are part of the stewardship that allows St. Paul’s to continue, even when I’m not there.



‘Faith Filled Generosity’