We Are Here For You.

Our Pastoral Care Team supports and coordinates parish ministries for those isolated from parish life because of sickness or other circumstances in life. This team plans and executes programs to meet their needs, including scheduling Eucharistic visits.

St. Paul's clergy oversees our pastoral care ministries. In the event of a pastoral care emergency, please contact the parish office (801.322.5869) or clergy directly.

St. Paul’s Prayer List

The prayer list is frequently edited. If you know of any persons who should be added or removed, please contact the church office or submit a name for a prayer request through the prayer request form on the website. We wish to remain relevant to the needs of our prayers. Please check in with anyone you have or wish to have added to be sure they want to be on St. Paul's Prayer List.

  • If you have any questions, please contact the Church office by phone or email. 801-322-5869 Info@stpauls-slc.org
