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Business News from the Vestry Retreat 

Vestry Meeting Schedule: Meetings will continue on Zoom at 6 p.m. with the financial report starting at 6:30 p.m. Mark your calendars for these upcoming dates: March 12, April 16, May 14, and June 11.

Join Us Online:  Zoom meeting: 

Meeting ID: 841 9388 3280 Passcode: 221539

New Leadership: Congratulations to Aaron Higley, elected as Jr. Warden for 2024!

Improving Our Grounds: The Vestry approved a new gate for easier maintenance access behind the church. Additionally, Acer Trees will be pruning our trees and treating a fungus affecting the sycamores along 9th East.

Stay Engaged: Attend upcoming Vestry meetings and keep an eye out for further updates and announcements.

February 11

Sunday Choral Eucharist

February 13

SLC Episcopal Shrove Tuesday Event