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Black History Month

Click to watch Rev. Kurt's Sermon from Sunday, Feb 5

This past Sunday, the first in Black History month, I used the opportunity to engage the commitment that The Episcopal Church has made to know and uncover its history, promote a process for truth telling, and a commitment to transform shared leadership and make change.

Using the brilliant book by The Rev. Canon Stephanie Spellers, The Church Cracked Open, I shared from the pulpit an account of our history. As the Church of Empire, specifically around slavery and racism towards African Americans. As hard as it is to hear such words in Church, I believe it the right path, in the spirit of Isaiah 58:1-12 and the footsteps of Jesus.

This Sunday we will hear of some of the "shards of light" that made possible the way of the Episcopal Church to Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, Bishop Rob Wright of Atlanta, and Bishop Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows in Indianapolis, among others in a growing diversity of Episcopal leadership.

 PS: To hear more, check out this link that Calvary Episcopal Church had with Canon Spellers (thanks to Frances Harris for alerting me of it!)

The Rev. Kurt C. Wiesner

January 29

Sundays Heat of the Day Outdoor Eucharist

February 1

The Church Cracked Open - Reserve Your Copy Today!